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Date: Mon, 4 Oct 93 07:36:54 PDT
From: The Moderators <info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V11 #196
Info-Mac Digest Mon, 4 Oct 93 Volume 11 : Issue 196
Today's Topics:
[*] DeskTape 1.6 demonstration version
[*] DragAnyWindow 3.0
[*] FaberZooms 1.1.1
[*] known-users.hqx
[*] Latest release of Switchback!
[*] Network Time 2.0.1 - French
[*] Network Time 2.0.1 - Netherlands
[*] ParticleMan1.0.sea.hqx
[*] personal-press-20-to-201-updt.hqx
[*] speak-text-files.hqx
[*] Star Trek TNG StartupScreen
[*] strip-mac-23.hqx
[*] trash-emptier.hqx
[*] truss-demo-30-bw.hqx
[Q] CDs not ejecting -- "being shared"?
Adding an ethernet segment--how?
Apple drops LC520
Apple reccoments no "." before names? (A) (2 msgs)
AppleTalk 57.x -> 58.x (Q)
Automated FTP
BackSplash request
Can't get rid of folder
CDs not ejecting -- "being shared"? (A)
CDs not ejecting -- "being shared"? [R]
Centris 660AV video-IO hardware (A)
Centris 660av Virtual Memory Problem
DeskWriter paper (A)
Ejecting shared CD
GeoPort a Mixed Bag
Getting on the internet.
HP LW8.0 versus 4.0
LaserWiter 8.1 driver
Looking for "elementary school hand printing" font for Macintosh
Looking for Appletalk message sender/receiver
Mac 128K is sick (Q)
modem disconnect problems (Q)
Modems waking up Macs-possible (A)
Opinions on Software Study aids for the S.A.T.?
Pagemaker 4.2
Performa, comm progs
Powering on your Mac remotely
Teaching Materials for Molecular Biology Available? (2 msgs)
Util to disable AfterDark while Zterm is running (C)
VT 240 Emulator Anyone?
The Info-Mac newsgroup is moderated by Bill Lipa and Gordon Watts.
The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous,
any password) in the info-mac directory on sumex-aim.stanford.edu
[]. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help.
Please send articles and binaries to info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Send administrative mail to info-mac-request@sumex-aim.stanford.edu.
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 14:24:55 PDT
From: kallista@netcom.com (Christopher Barrus)
Subject: [*] DeskTape 1.6 demonstration version
Attached with this mail message is a demonstration version of DeskTape
1.6, a CDEV which will allow you to mount a 4mm DAT or 8mm Exabyte
tape on the Mac desktop. The demonstration version limits formatted
tape sizes to only 40MB. A full installation of DeskTape can allow
you access up to the 2GB allowed to you by the current Mac Finder.
DeskTape is published by:
Optima Technology
17526 Von Karman
Irvine, CA 92714
714/476-0613 FAX
AppleLink: OPTIMA
Internet: optima@applelink.apple.com
By way of disclaimer I do work for Optima Technology as a Macintosh R
& D specialist, but this posting as with all postings made from this
account is made on my own behalf and not in any kind of official
Chris Barrus
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/desk-tape-16-demo.hqx; 120K]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 14:01:39 +0100
From: simula3@di.unito.it (Alex Rodella)
Subject: [*] DragAnyWindow 3.0
DragAnyWindow is a control panel that allows you to easily
move any kind of window, including dialogs, alerts, standard
"Open" and "Save" dialogs, game windows and other
non-movable windows.
Version 3.0 adds the capability of centering the window
on the screen.
Author: Alessandro Levi Montalcini
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/drag-any-window-30.hqx; 17K]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 13:55:19 +0100
From: simula3@di.unito.it (Alex Rodella)
Subject: [*] FaberZooms 1.1.1
Enclosed is a Darkside 4.1 module which displays zooming
rectangles (in color if you have a color-capable Mac)
all over your screen(s).
Now you may play a sound while the rectangle moves.
This fader is FREE! Enjoy.
Fabrizio Oddone
[Archived as /info-mac/gui/darkside-faber-zooms-111.hqx; 11K]
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 8:08:05 PDT
From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: [*] known-users.hqx
From: Kevin Savetz <savetz@bolero.rahul.net>
Message-Id: <199310011318.AA26691@bolero.rahul.net>
Subject: Known Users archive 1.6
To: macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu (macgifts)
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 06:18:40 -0700 (PDT)
Cc: doug@garnet.msen.com
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Length: 707273
This Hypercard stack is an archive of back issues of Known Users, the monthly
newsletter of the Sequoia Macintosh Users Group, located in Humboldt County,
California. Is most cases, the stack contains the full article text, which can
be read onscreen or printed.
The stack contains reviews, columns, and tips on a plethora of subjects. You
search by keyword, article title or author, or just browse. You may reprint
most articles for your newsletter (with restrictions, see the stack for
or use our articles as ideas for articles of your own.
This is verison 1.6 of the stack. It contains articles printed from 1/87
9/93. Contact Kevin Savetz (Internet: "savetz@rahul.net"; America Online:
"Savetz"; SMUGgler's BBS as himself) for questions or feedback.
[Archived as /info-mac/per/known-users.hqx; 691K]
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 12:28:08 +0000
From: jeff@otago.ac.nz (Jeff Home)
Subject: [*] Latest release of Switchback!
What is SwitchBack?
SwitchBack is a utility program that synchronises two folders, so that both
folders have a copy of the most recent version of their files. The two
folders can reside on the same volume, on two different volumes, or indeed
on two different computers connected by a network.
It has been designed principally for those people with two computers
(especially desktop and PowerBook) who need to ensure that they have the
most recent version of their documents available to them.
It also functions well as a simple backup utility for people with one
computer. For example, a folder residing on your main hard disk can be
linked to a folder residing on a floppy disk.
How to contact us via email
What this archive contains.
SwitchBack 2.1
SwitchBack Help
Read Me (this document)
Registration Form
Version History
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/switchback-21.hqx; 127K]
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 3:12:05 CDT
From: Pete Resnick <resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu>
Subject: [*] Network Time 2.0.1 - French
[Network Time 2.0.1 - French translation]
Network Time est un tableau de bord qui regle l'horloge de votre Macintosh
a l'heure exacte. Pour ce faire, Network Time contacte un serveur d'horloge
reseau au moyen du pilote logiciel MacTCP d'Apple afin d'obtenir l'heure
exacte. Network Time regle automatiquement l'horloge en tenant compte du
fuseau horaire et des regles que vous avez fixees pour l'heure d'ete au
moyen du tableau de bord Network Time.
Network Time requiert au moins un Macintosh Plus avec le systeme 6.0.5 ou
posterieur (Systeme 7 compris), ainsi que la version 1.1 de MacTCP ou
posterieure. Network Time utilise parfaitement les bulles d'aide. Des
versions de Network Time sont disponibles par ailleurs en langues
etrangeres. Pour le moment, sont disponibles ou en cours de developpement
les versions allemande, anglaise, chinoise, espagnole, japonaise,
neerlandaise, russe et suedoise.
L'ensemble original est de langue anglaise et comprend un manuel QuickStart
avec les instructions de base, sous forme de document TeachText. Le manuel
complet de Network Time est fourni sous forme de document MacWrite Pro. Le
manuel est disponible aussi en format PostScript dans un document separe.
Une copie imprimee du manuel peut etre obtenue aupres de l'auteur.
Network Time est un logiciel a cout partage. Veuillez envoyer 5 USD par
copie ou 100 USD pour 100 copies de Network Time, et 5 USD par manuel
imprime (avec toute question ou commentaire) a:
Pete Resnick
1009 North Busey Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801 (USA)
Vous pouvez aussi envoyer du courrier electronique via l'Internet a:
(Traduction: J.P. Kuypers <Kuypers@sri.ucl.ac.be> 20 septembre 1993)
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/net/network-time-201-fr.hqx; 74K]
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 3:12:35 CDT
From: Pete Resnick <resnick@cogsci.uiuc.edu>
Subject: [*] Network Time 2.0.1 - Netherlands
[Network Time 2.0.1 - Netherlands translation]
Network Time is een regelpaneel toepassing dat de klok van je Macintosh
computer instelt op de juiste tijd. Network Time doet dit door contact
op te nemen met een tijdserver m.b.v. de Apple MacTCP netwerk software
en de juiste tijd op te vragen. Network Time past automatisch de klok
aan door rekening te houden met de tijdzone en de zomertijd regels
zoals je instelt in het Network Time regelpaneel.
Network Time heeft minimaal een Macintosh Plus computer nodig met
systeem software versie 6.0.5 of later (inclusief System 7) en vereist
MacTCP versie 1.1 of later. Network Time heeft volledige Ballon Help
ondersteuning. Vertaalde versies van Network Time zijn apart
beschikbaar; de versies die nu of binnenkort beschikbaar komen zijn
Chinees, Frans, Duits, Japans, Nederlands, Russisch, Spaans en Zweeds.
De "QuickStart" handleiding met algemene instructies in LeerTekst
formaat en de volledige Network Time handleiding is beschikbaar in
MacWrite Pro formaat bij de Engelse versie. De handleiding is ook
beschikbaar in PostScript formaat in een apart pakket, en een gedrukt
exemplaar kan bij de auteur verkregen worden.
Network Time is een shareware programma. Zend alstublieft US$5 per
kopie of US$100 per 100 kopieen van Network Time, en US$5 per gedrukte
handleiding (samen met mogelijke vragen en opmerkingen) naar:
Pete Resnick
1009 North Busey Avenue
Urbana, IL 61801
United States of America
Je kan ook elektronische post zenden via Internet naar:
(Nederlandse vertaling door: Rene G.A. Ros <rgaros@bio.vu.nl>)
[Archived as /info-mac/comm/net/network-time-201-nd.hqx; 74K]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 15:31:50 -0700
From: bosch@smiteo.esd.sgi.com (Derek Bosch)
Subject: [*] ParticleMan1.0.sea.hqx
This file is a demo version of ParticleMan, a shareware game, requiring
System 7, Color Quickdraw, and a screen w/ at least 16 colors/shades.
It is loosely based on the old Apple II program, Short Circuit.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/arc/particle-man-10-demo.hqx; 193K]
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 8:07:50 PDT
From: macmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: [*] personal-press-20-to-201-updt.hqx
(5.65c/IDA-1.4.4 for macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu); Fri, 1 Oct 1993 06:22:53
From: Kevin Savetz <savetz@bolero.rahul.net>
Message-Id: <199310011322.AA26737@bolero.rahul.net>
Subject: Personal Press 2.01 update
To: macgifts@mac.archive.umich.edu (macgifts)
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 06:22:51 -0700 (PDT)
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Length: 939846
This file updates Aldus' Personal Press from version 2.0 to version 2.01.
It contains various bug-fixes and enhancements. I can't find the sheet
listing them...
I am not affiliated with Aldus.
-Kevin Savetz
[Archived as /info-mac/app/personal-press-20-to-201-updt.hqx; 918K]
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 14:59 MET
From: dat93rli@ludat.lth.se (Rune Lindman)
Subject: [*] speak-text-files.hqx
SpeakTextFiles1.0.1 by Rune Lindman 25 sept 1993.
A simple utility that allows you to drop text files and have them spoken.
If the stdTTS extension is installed you can change voice, rate, pitch and
[Archived as /info-mac/snd/util/speak-text-files.hqx; 33K]
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 1993 23:58:47 -0400 (EDT)
From: Kevin R Lesniewicz <kev@world.std.com>
Subject: [*] Star Trek TNG StartupScreen
Star Trek-TNG Startup Screen (8-bit color):
I captured this from a Paramount promo using a consumer VHS deck with the
Movie Movie video capture board. After some minor retouching and conversion
to 256 colors, I think the image quality held up well. Let me know
what you think. Don't forget you can use this as a desktop picture too.
-kevin l. <kevin@mcet.edu>
[Archived as /info-mac/grf/star-trek-tng-8bc.hqx; 220K]
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 10:09:33 PDT
From: backmod (Info-Mac Moderator)
Subject: [*] strip-mac-23.hqx
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1993 10:26:36 +0800
From: North_TJ@cc.curtin.edu.au
Subject: Strip-Mac! 2.3 (an adult party game)
Sender: TIM NORTH <TNORTHTJ@cc.curtin.edu.au>
To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
Message-Id: <01H3LFFDLACIIXQI1K@cc.curtin.edu.au>
X-Envelope-To: info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu
X-Vms-To: IN::"info-mac@sumex-aim.stanford.edu"
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7BIT
Resent-To: backmod@SUMEX-AIM.Stanford.EDU
Resent-Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 0:10:03 PDT
Resent-From: Info-Mac Moderator <macmod@sumex-aim.Stanford.EDU>
Here is version 2.3 of Strip-Mac!, with its new look and suport for
Apple's Speech Manager.
A quick outline of the game: Strip-Mac! is a risque, computer-moderated
party game for adults. Briefly, the game plays as follows. Players take turns
in drawing a playing card from the deck. If a player fails to turn up an
appropriate card then s/he must choose between options that include:
(a) removing a piece of clothing;
(b) taking a 'punishment'; and
(c) purchasing a 'reward'.
Play continues until one or all players are naked. What happens next is up to
you. :-)
Tim North.
[Archived as /info-mac/game/crd/strip-mac-23.hqx; 191K]
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 09:40:23 +0100
From: "J. Rossi" <jr10@leicester.ac.uk>
Subject: [*] trash-emptier.hqx
I'm uploading this for a friend without Internet access.
The Compact Pro archive contains both English and French versions
This is an abstract of the readme file:
TrashEmptier is a 'drag and drop' utility that works only if
you are running System 7. To use it, you have to drag a disk,
file or folder over its icon. Trying to open 1TrashEmptier by
double-clicking it will only bring its 'AboutI' box.
The application has two purposes: it can selectively empty the
Trash of one volume, and it can delete files and folders without
using the Finder's Trash.
The action of 1TrashEmptier depends on the nature of the icon that
you drag over it: disk, folder or file (document or application).
All comments are welcome.
Pre Vincent
CalvaCom : TM33
Internet : TM33@Calvacom.fr
[Archived as /info-mac/disk/trash-emptier.hqx; 54K]
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 09:11:36 -0500
From: dandashl@ecn.purdue.edu (Hussam A Dandashli)
Subject: [*] truss-demo-30-bw.hqx
TrussDemo 3.0 BW
Truss Analysis and Visualization is a program for the force analysis of planar
trusses and the
visualizations of the results. The demo is limited to 4 nodes, otherwise
everything else is
enabled. This version uses patterns and colors to enable the use of this
software on a B/W screen.
(It still needs Color QuickDraw to be installed).
The program allows the user to
* Create a new truss design or use an existing preloaded truss.
* Alter the geometry of an existing truss design through moving the joint
locations or by the
addition/removal of truss members, truss supports or truss joints.
* Alter the loading on an existing truss.
* Produce free body diagrams of the entire truss or for selected pins.
* Produce a pattern/color graphical display of the load carried by the
members with the pattern/color of the member denoting tension/compression and
the magnitude
of the load.
I am asking $15 for the complete version. Orders and bug reports should be
Hussam Dandashli
e-mail-> dandashl@mn.ecn.purdue.edu
Thank you for trying Truss 3.0/BW
[Archived as /info-mac/sci/truss-demo-30-bw.hqx; 161K]
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 7:46:47 CDT
From: conradej@clkwrk.boeing.com
Subject: .
Hi all,
I have 3 quick questions.
1. I saw a while back that there is a
powerbook mailing list/digest. Does
anyone have the information handy? I
can't seem to find it.
2. I may be buying a powerbook in the
near future and would appreciate
any comments people have - what one
is the best, where I can find more
info on model specs, etc.
3. I am also looking into buying a scanner.
I would like to know if anyone has had
good or bad luck with any particular
model. Preferably color/flatbed.
Please respond directly and I can summarize
if there is enough interest.
-John :)
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 20:22:43 -0400
From: mxh160@psu.edu (Matt X. Herbison)
Subject: [Q] CDs not ejecting -- "being shared"?
> We have a couple of CD-ROM drives on our LocalTalk network in our building
>(an Apple CD300 and a PowerUser PRO). On each such machine, we sometimes
>have trouble ejecting the CDs, with a prompt indicating that "CD could not
>be ejected, since it is being shared." However, no user on the network had
>accessed the CDs (or even the machines to which they were connected); we
>to shut off File Sharing in order to be able to eject the CDs.
> Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Is this a glitch in
>AppleShare?? Or do we have some other conflict? (we've seen the same
>problem with each CD-ROM drive, despite their different manufacturers)
> Thanx!
It happens to everyone. Get the shareware "UnmountIt" from
/info-mac/disk/UnmountIt. It will turn off File Sharing, unmount the
volume, then turn File Sharing back on. A more complete explanation is in
MacWorld, October 1993, page 152.
-Matt X. Herbison :) -Penn State University
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 11:55:46 -0400
From: Brian K. Kobleur <wk01803@worldlink.com>
Subject: Adding an ethernet segment--how?
Can someone explain the basics of adding an ethernet segment to our
(sprawling) LocalTalk LAN? We are already using Apple's Internet Router as a
bridge for a WAN made up of three LANs, so I know we can use it to route
EtherTalk to LocalTalk...but what are the specifics? What else do I need?
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 11:27:04 CDT
From: umdenbo0@CC.UManitoba.CA
Subject: Apple drops LC520
My friend, you have been ill-informed.
The LC520 is currently the hottest seller in Canada (over ALL other computers)
and is NOT being dropped. Your salesthing may have told you that so you
would buy a newer higher margin (and in-stock) item.
It is still on the price list effective two days ago, and is not included in
the list of items taken off the most recent price list.
What is gone though is the LC2 and Classic II. Who cares!
Proud owner of an Apple Macintosh Centris 660AV.
David A. denBoer
Manitoba Macintosh Developers Assn
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 01:07:15 -0800
From: schuyler@netcom.com (Gabriel M. Schuyler)
Subject: Apple reccoments no "." before names? (A)
They reccomend that you don't use a dot at the beginning of a name because
that's how device drivers are named. If you really look around, you can
sometimes see one in there for a hard drive or something.
I've actually had trouble with this before. Sporatic problems with my hard
drive and I talked with tech support at APDA and they couldn't figure it
out until we found that the files I had with a . at the beginning were
being scanned by the system as device drivers and messing things up.
-Gabe Schuyler (schuyler@netcom.com)
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 08:01:58 PDT
From: Robert Lenoil <lenoil@catalogic.com>
Subject: Apple reccoments no "." before names? (A)
On the Macintosh, device driver names all begin with a dot (.). The standard
operating system "Open" call for opening files is also used for opening
device drivers. Thus, if you create a file with the same name as a device
driver (.SONY, .AIn, .AOut, and many others) most programs will open the
device driver instead of the file, with disastrous results. I say most
programs because system 7 introduced a version of the open call that only
files; programs that use that call cannot accidentally open device drivers and
therefore have no problem with file names beginning with "."
Robert Lenoil
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 09:08:33 LCL
From: ZOOEY%SUVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU
Subject: AppleTalk 57.x -> 58.x (Q)
I am trying to install MacTCP on a Quadra 800 running under System 7.1 --
the system that was installed. The MacTCP installer wants me to install
Appletalk 58.0 first. When I use the provided disk to do this and reboot,
I get through the happy Mac, init icons, and it stops while creating the
menu (blank white strip without menues). The cursor moves, but there is
no response from keyboard commands (e.g. opt-com-esc to quit someting).
I have tried to reboot without inits, but it did not matter. The disks
are from a just shipped Apple MacTCP box.
What do I do to get my AppleTalk upgraded from 57.x to 58.0? Where is
AppleTalk located?
This is the first time that the Installer has given me trouble that I could
not work around using the customize option. The Black Box can sure be
frustrating. The documentation, as normal, does not discuss problems!
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 19:01:34 -0500 (CDT)
From: Neil Eric Mickelson <nem52463@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu>
Subject: Automated FTP
Greetings and Salutations!
I keep reading in the digest every now and then of people "scripting" their
downloads from the archives. They do this from the digest issues somehow...
my question is, HOW? If someone could reply to this, it would be much
Thanks a lot!
Neil E. Mickelson
Date: Sat, 2 Oct 93 07:42:02 CDT
From: covert@cactus.org (Richard Covert)
Subject: BackSplash request
Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the BackSplash
shareware program? Could someone please post it to
sumex? BackSplash displays PICTs on your desktop at bootup I believe.
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 17:49:14 -1000
From: "Frederick Bingham" <bingham@iniki.soest.hawaii.edu>
Subject: Can't get rid of folder
I am having trouble getting rid of a folder. It is called "???Move &
Rename" where ? is a box -like character. It is not visible from the
finder, so I cannot drag it to the trash, but it appears in find file
dialogs in several other applications. It does not appear to contain any
files. Can anyone please help me to make this visible so I can get rid of
it. I'm running a Mac LCII with several miscellaneous extensions. I think
this extraneous folder appeared as a result of trying out some shareware
program or other.
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 11:29:00 PDT
From: Kee Nethery <kee@aol.com>
Subject: CDs not ejecting -- "being shared"? (A)
> On each such machine, we sometimes have trouble ejecting the CDs, with a
prompt indicating that "CD could not be ejected, since it is being shared."
The answer is simple. Personal File Sharing is enabled. Any drive that is
on the desktop while File Sharing is coming up will be treated as a
shareable drive and thus it will not be possible to remove it. To get
around this, don't insert the CD ROM until after Personal File Sharing has
come up on the machine. After that, you can swap CD ROMs all day long. Of
course, after that time, the CDs will not be shareable. Would be nice if
you could have it both ways (shareable and removeable if not being used)
but that's not the way it works.
Kee Nethery
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 11:28:16 -0500
From: "Vinko Tsui" <vinko@spss.com>
Subject: CDs not ejecting -- "being shared"? [R]
> We have a couple of CD-ROM drives on our LocalTalk network in our building
>(an Apple CD300 and a PowerUser PRO). On each such machine, we sometimes
>have trouble ejecting the CDs, with a prompt indicating that "CD could not
>be ejected, since it is being shared." However, no user on the network had
>accessed the CDs (or even the machines to which they were connected); we
>have to shut off File Sharing in order to be able to eject the CDs.
> Has anyone else experienced anything similar? Is this a glitch in
>AppleShare?? Or do we have some other conflict? (we've seen the same
>problem with each CD-ROM drive, despite their different manufacturers)
> Thanx!
The problem you're experiencing is a very common problem with the Mac System
S/W. It usually happens when you mount any removable media before File Sharing
has finished starting up.
The solution, as you have already discovered, is to turn off File Sharing when
you want to eject the media and then turn File Sharing back on.
Fortunately, there is another solution. There is a utility created by Jim
of Apple Computer called UnmountIt which will turn File Sharing off, unmount
media you drop on its icon and then turn File Sharing back on for you. This is
much quicker solution compare to turning File Sharing off manually. UnmountIt
does not require rescaning of your drive.
I believe you can find UnmountIt on Info-Mac. If not I can post it to the
I hope this helps!
-- Vinko
Vinko Tsui Vinko Enterprises
In Chicago: In Canada:
[W] (312) 329-3455 [W] (416) 338-7836
[H] (312) 464-4967
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 09:53:49 PDT
From: noah@apple.com (Noah Price)
Subject: Centris 660AV video-IO hardware (A)
In Info-Mac Digest V11 #193, Jean-Claude Arnouil <arnouilj@oahu.esiee.fr>
> For now I have a few questions about those AV Macs video-IO hardware:
> - what are the reference of the Philips chipset used in those macs?
> (it should be something like SAA7191/92,TDA8708/09. Am I right?)
Yes, it's the SAA7194 (Digital Video Decoder and Scaler), SAA7191 (Digital
Multistandard Decoder, Square pixel), and the TDA8708 (A/D; also a TDA8709
in the 840AV only). You can get detailed specs on these in the Philips
"Desktop Video Data Handbook."
> - does there is a technical documentation were a could find infos
> about designing a card for those new macs?
You'll want the developer notes from APDA. I believe the Centris 660AV and
Quadra 840AV are Macintosh Developer Note Number 5.
> - at a minimum, could someone tell me the pinout of the DAVE connector.
DAV connector info is included in the developer note.
Noah Price <noah@apple.com>
Macintosh AV Hardware
(not the opinions of) Apple Computer, Inc.
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 09:38:23 EDT
From: tdk94@RAM.SUNY.GENESEO.EDU (Thomas Killian)
Subject: Centris 660av Virtual Memory Problem
I purchased a Centris 660av last week. It is probably the greatest machine
that I have ever used straight out of the box. All of the software that
Apple has included really works and the DSP options make it a true bargin
My only problem with it is that when I turn on virtual memory, it goes
crazy, and then it freezes up. I have to boot off the CD ROM and turn off
the virtual memory, and then reboot and it is fine. Any ideas or anyone
else have problems with virtual memory on their av model Mac?? Any clues
or pointers would be of great help.
Thanks in Advance,
Tom Killian
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 13:26:10 CDT
From: jemian@tmnxt1.iit.edu (Pete Jemian)
Subject: DeskWriter paper (A)
A really good paper is Weyerhauser "First Choice" which
is available in US letter and US legal cuts and envelopes.
It may even be available in those *other* (flames, please)
cuts that are used outside of this country. It seems to have
the least bleeding of any standard paper. Costs about
US$8 / 500 sheets.
Special note: If you want really super-duper precise printing,
then print on tracing paper. Output looks better than that from
300 dpi lasers. Be sure to let it dry *thoroughly*.
On second thought, save the trees and just don't print at all.
-- Pete Jemian
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 10:15:32 EDT
From: "Allan M. Bloom" <IRBLOOM@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU>
Subject: Ejecting shared CD
On Thu, 30 Sep, Shane Deichman wrote:
>We have a couple of CD-ROM drives on our LocalTalk network in our building
>(an Apple CD300 and a PowerUser PRO). On each such machine, we sometimes
>have trouble ejecting the CDs, with a prompt indicating that "CD could not
>be ejected, since it is being shared." However, no user on the network had
>accessed the CDs (or even the machines to which they were connected); we
>have to shut off File Sharing in order to be able to eject the CDs.
It's not a bug, Shane. It's a feature. If any kind of removeable (not
just a CD ROM) is loaded when file sharing starts up, it is held tight
to Sharing's bosom. Two fixes:
1. Wait until file sharing has starterd up before inserting the disc.
2. Get a copy of UnMountIt, part of the fsid (File Sharing Improvement
Doohickies) from Apple. It's at ftp.apple.com, dealers, user groups.
Just drop the disc's icon onto UnMountIt. It turns off sharing,
unmounts the disc, and turns sharing back on. Slick.
Al Bloom, Virginia Tech
Date: 01 Oct 93 13:38 GMT
From: PCHANE@AppleLink.Apple.COM (U of Wisconsin, P Chane,STU)
Subject: GeoPort a Mixed Bag
Anyone else having probs with their GeoPort? America Online doesn't connect
and if a comm. program crashes, it leave the port open which really screws up
my Mac.
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1993 14:35:51 EDT
From: "Thomas L. Francavilla" <francavilla@anvil.nrl.navy.mil>
Subject: Getting on the internet.
I have a friend who works for an insurance company who is very computer
literate. He wanted to know how a commercial company could get on the
internet. I couldn't answer his question. Is there someone who could
help me with the answer. Thanks in advance. Tom Francavilla
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 18:46:04 +0200 (IST)
From: Michel Lewinger <mlewin@bgumail.bgu.ac.il>
Subject: HP LW8.0 versus 4.0
After buying the HP Laserjet 4m, and installing the original driver (ver.
4.0, if i'm not wrong), I have come across the HP laserjet 8.0 driver in
sumex, which has proven to be 1.5 to 6 times faster depending on the size
and font richness of the document to-be printed. I want to know whether
other users of the LJ4m have also experienced this, or if I'm the only
paleozoic creature who has ever used the original installation driver
provided with the soft disks.
Other question: I can't download fonts to the HP from my fonts folder,
using the HP4m utility program also from sumex. Either truetype or bit
(uch!) mapped. I know BM foonts are not the case. Does the utility only
download PS fonts ?
Date: 01 Oct 93 09:24:00 EDT
From: Jim Bethin <72233.2261@CompuServe.COM>
Subject: LaserWiter 8.1 driver
Has anyone seen a LW 8.1 release? I saw something about this somewhere (I've
forgotten where) and I was wondering if this was a misprint!
Please e-mail me in addition to responding to info-mac.
Jim Bethin
Arkay Packaging Corp.
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 17:35:10 CDT
From: jaf@dworkin.wustl.edu (Andy Fingerhut)
Subject: Looking for "elementary school hand printing" font for Macintosh
I'm looking for a roman sans-serif font that looks as much like the
printed letters that are taught to elementary school students in the
United States as possible. I would prefer a format usable on the
Macintosh, meaning Truetype (however that should be capitalized),
Postscript type 1 or 3, or Macintosh bitmaps (as long as they look good
in 18 and 36 point sizes, and preferably more sizes).
The font that I have seen which most closely resembles what I want is
Avant Garde on the Macintosh, except that f, j, and r don't have
complete "hooks", and the q has no hook. I would prefer if g,j,p,q, and
y descended further below the baseline, and that all "half-height"
letters were actually half as high as full height letters. a should
look like a circle with a vertical line to its right, and g should look
like a circle and a vertical line descending to a complete hook.
The lower case letters are the most important, but while I'm asking, it
would be nice if the capital letters were good, too. Again, Avant Garde
on the Macintosh is close, but it would be nice if capital I had the top
and bottom horizontal bars on it, and Q had a straight diagonal slash
through the oval or circle.
Anyone have a font like this in any format? My wife is an elementary
school teacher, and we would like to be able to print words for her
students to read or write on a laser printer.
P.S. I have also sent this request to the Usenet news group comp.fonts,
so don't bother posting there to ask this question.
Andy Fingerhut
Washington University, St. Louis MO
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 16:06:04 -0700 (PDT)
From: mychael@mailhost.cs.pdx.edu (Mychael D Mai)
Subject: Looking for Appletalk message sender/receiver
Hello, Im looking for a free/shareware program or something else that will
two people on an appletalk network send messages. I would like something that
is 'real' time, and not just mail messages. Please mail me if something like
this exists.
Our boss can hear us talking about work/him through the wall, and we would
like another way to communicate. Sign language is out since we have glass
Thanks in advance!
mychael (mychael@rigel.cs.pdx.edu)
Date: 1 Oct 1993 10:00:33 U
From: "James Smart" <James.Smart@med.umich.edu>
Subject: Mac 128K is sick (Q)
Subject: Time:10:14 AM
OFFICE MEMO Mac 128K is sick (Q) Date:9/29/93
Mac 128K is sick (Q)
I have a OLD MAC 128k that was upgraded to a 4 meg MAC + using Mac Rescue.
has purred along for a couple of years in this mode (even using sys 7!) and
about a week ago came up with the infamous sad mac and an error code of
Refering to the "sad mac" list it suggested a bad simm. I replace the simms
but same message. The I remove the Mac Rescue (and replace the ROMs with the
old 64k ROMs) and this time got the error message 04001. This suggests that
RAM chip in position F5 is suspect. Checking in while in the circuit (for
continuity) it seemed ok....but on removal it showed one bad gate(?). So I
replaced it. The replacement I used was numbered "4164" @ 120 nsec. The
I removed was numbered 4264 and I think was a 150 nsec chip. Now there is no
sad mac ... only alternating, wiggley black and white vertical lines on the
Can anyone save a several hours of circuit tracing on thiis one???
Jim Smart
Date: Sat, 02 Oct 1993 10:48:52 -0500 (CDT)
From: "William M. Porter" <WMPORTER@Jetson.UH.EDU>
Subject: modem disconnect problems (Q)
I recently purchased as US Robotics 14.4K bps modem with more compression
& error-correction protocols than you can shake a stick at. It's
funky-looking, but came highly recommended (4 stars from MacWorld, and
some personal recommendations as well) and basically seems to work very
But I am having one problem I can't seem to solve. If I log into Sumex,
and go to the Applications directory, after I type "ls" to see the list
of files, the list starts coming at me fast & furious, but within a
second or so, I hear a click from my modem and the "CD" light goes out:
I've been disconnected. (It takes several more seconds for the list to
stop scrolling by on my screen, I guess because my Mac's memory buffer
has so much stored away.) This does NOT happen if I ask for the file-list
of a directory that is less loaded than Applications, so I assume that
my problem has something to do with flow-control, buffers, and other
things I don't understand very well.
In comp.sys.mac.comm on Usenet, somebody else with a USR modem who was
experiencing this same problem was told to add "&d0" to the modem's
initialization string. However, I have tried this without success. I have
pored over the user's guide that came with the modem, but I can't see
anything that looks like it applies.
In case it matters: The modem has v.42 & v.42bis, MNP 2-5, v.32bis, &c.
Hardware flow-control cable (or so they claim). Mac LC II with 8Mb RAM,
running System 7.1.1 (tuned-up). Using Microphone Pro telecom software.
Could anybody suggest anything? Is there a software solution? Could it
have anything to do with the dip-switch settings (which I have not moved
>From the defaults)? TIA.
Will Porter / University of Houston
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 11:42:20 -0700
From: tonyh@msc.cornell.edu (Tony Huang)
Subject: Modems waking up Macs-possible (A)
>Date: Thu, 30 Sep 93 00:51:31 EDT
>From: Pete Tamas <GNOME%TEMPLEVM.BITNET@Forsythe.Stanford.EDU>
>Subject: Modems waking up Macs-possible?
>I remember when the Mac II was first introduced, there was speculation
>that modems will appear which turn on a Mac II when an incoming call
>occurs. Did this ever materialize? I know someone who could use this
>feature. Thanks, Pete Tamas
>Gnome@VM.Temple.edu or TempleVM.bitnet
Such devices have been around for a long time. The cheapest one is
PowerKeys Remote (about $35 from Sophisticated Circuits). You would also
need a fax/data/phone switch if you don't have a dedicated line. Another
good device (which is discontinued) is called Ringo, which has built-in
fax/phone switching capability.
Tony Huang
Date: 2 Oct 1993 14:32:03 GMT
From: kcueto@cse.unl.edu (kevin cueto)
Subject: Opinions on Software Study aids for the S.A.T.?
Does anybody have any opinions on any of the commercail study guides for the
SAT? Are there any Shareware study guides available?
Please send E-mail, or Post...
Thanks for any info in advance :-)
|Kevin Cueto Internet: kcueto@cse.unl.edu |
|Computer Engineering University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 09:56:26 PDT
From: hallett@keanemw.mixcom.com (Jeffrey A. Hallett)
Subject: Pagemaker 4.2
Anyone know how to generate automatic continuation notices in Pagemaker
4.2? I'm referring to the markers that appear in articles which are split
across pages; at the bottom of the first section it says "Continued on page
n" and in the next section, at the top, it says "'Story' continued from
page m". Can't find it in the manual and I'm not a Pagemaker guru by
any means.
Thanks in advance.
Jeffrey A. Hallett, Keane, Inc. hallett@keanemw.mixcom.com
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 19:56:00 -0500 (CDT)
From: Michael Salmons <msalmons@bigcat.missouri.edu>
Subject: Performa, comm progs
Hello everyone...
I am a recent Mac purchaser (a Performa 450). I have no problem using a PC
for file transfers, but I can't seem to do it with the program bundled
with my Mac (Clarisworks comm module). Would some be so kind as to share
what file transfer settings to use to successfully get graphics and
software? Unfortunately there is no "Kermit" protocol setting in this
program- just "MacTerminal," "MacBinary," Xmodem, and Xmodem text. Any
clues? Should I just get a copy a Mackermit (which, of course I couldn't
successfully download anyway I suppose :( ). If so, which version? I know
I have a lot of questions but I've been racking my brain for a month now
with no success.
Any help appreciated!
Michael Salmons
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 17:46:12 +0000
From: Fearghas McKay <fearghas@challis.demon.co.uk>
Subject: Powering on your Mac remotely
Does any one know if these products will work with other voltages ie 240/220
>-PowerKey: Gives you complete control over your Mac system's powere use.
>Set the times when your system turns on in the morning and turns off at
>night. Direct your Mac to turn on in the middle of the night and perform
>back-ups, long print jobs, or other tasks. Also enables the keyboard ON
>key in Classic, LC, SE...NOT Plus. $75
>-PowerKey Remote: Turn on your Mac from anywhere in the world with a simple
>phone call. Then, use your remote computer and access software to transfer
>files, read email, etc. $32
>Look in MacWorld January 1993 for a RemoteAccess article that talks briefly
>about these products. Review of PowerKey in MacWorld December 1992 (4
>stars, only con was that you can't turn on the Plus).
>-Matt X. Herbison :) -Penn State University
Date: 01 Oct 93 13:38 GMT
From: PCHANE@AppleLink.Apple.COM (U of Wisconsin, P Chane,STU)
Subject: Sound WANTED
If someone can do it, I (and every other ftp addict) would appreciate someone
getting the THX "The World is Listening" thing that comes before movies that
use THX sound. SND or QuickTime format.
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 10:46:32 PDT
Subject: Teaching Materials for Molecular Biology Available?
A colleague is looking for Mac-based teaching materials for a course
in molecular biology. Anybody know of anything good?
Paul Brians, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5020
Date: Fri, 01 Oct 93 10:46:32 PDT
Subject: Teaching Materials for Molecular Biology Available?
A colleague is looking for Mac-based teaching materials for a course
in molecular biology. Anybody know of anything good?
Paul Brians, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-5020
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 06:20:42 PDT
From: jbthoo@ucdavis.edu (John Thoo)
Subject: Util to disable AfterDark while Zterm is running (C)
On 28 Sep 1993 Lisa Richardson <priss@tcp.com> wrote:
> >I'm looking for a util to disable AfterDark or any screen saver while I'm
> >downloading, but to not completely turn it off. Any help?
> You do not need a utility to disable AfterDark if you use the sleep/No-Sleep
> cor
> ners option.
Alternatively, activating System IQ (from the control panel's When button)
keeps AD from kicking in during a download/upload.
J. B. THOO, Math Dept, Univ of California, Davis <jb2@math.ucdavis.edu>
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 93 09:55:35 PDT
From: hallett@keanemw.mixcom.com (Jeffrey A. Hallett)
Subject: Voyager
Last I knew, Carina Software made a "planetarium" software package called
"Voyager". I've tried to reach them to get an update, but cannot seem
to locate their phone number.
Can anyone provide their current phone and/or address? Hope they aren't
defunct - I'd like to get the color version of Voyager (Voyager II).
Jeffrey Hallett, Keane, Inc. hallett@keanemw.mixcom.com
Date: Fri, 1 Oct 1993 12:20:21 +0000
From: Elliot Bennett <Elliot.Bennett@europa.rs.kp.dlr.de>
Subject: VT 240 Emulator Anyone?
Hi Net!
I'm looking for a VT 240 (color) emulator which works with TCP/IP for the
I like Versaterm, but as far as I know it can't do VT240.
I know White Pines makes a 240 emulator, but I was SERIOUSLY unimpressed with
their software (when last I saw it) and even LESS impressed with their upgrade
Price is far less important than user-friendliness and reliability (not
necessarily in that order :-). Also, it should be capable of generating
Thanks in Advance,
Elliot Bennett
DLR, Cologne, Germany
End of Info-Mac Digest